


To love well is to teach well is to occupy a space that can never be emptied, even through absence.

Your artist's eye takes my picture and maps me in soft charcoal, but does not attempt to pin me to your self-portrait.

You do not blaze trails or demand passage into wild territories.  You tread lightly, leaving only slippered footprints to chart what you can, and so find subdued places I did not know existed.

You visit the shadows and dance there.  You burn incense, and sing in low voices, but light no candles to chase them away.

You know that the best way to share a flame is to stand by my side.

You teach me well because you teach me from a place inside myself and so occupy a space that can never be emptied, even through absence.


Amar bien es enseñar bien es ocupar un espacio que nunca se puede vaciar, tampoco por ausencia.
Tu ojo de artista toma mi retrato y me traza en carbonilla suave, pero no intenta a sujetarme a tu autorretrato.

No ardes senderos ni exiges pasaje a territorios agrestes.  Te andas con pie de plomo y dejas solamente huellas.  Trazas lo que puedes y así encuentras lugares que yo no sabía existían.

Visitas a las sombras y allá bailas.  Quemas incienso y cantas en voces bajos, pero no enciendes velas para perseguirles.

Tú sabes qué la mejor manera para compartir una llama es ponerte a mi lado.

Me enseñas bien porque me enseñas desde un lugar adentro de mi propio y así ocupas un lugar que nunca se puede vaciar, tampoco por ausencia.



    Ever since I was little I have enjoyed playing with words.  I recently went through some of my old journals (which I have been keeping since my freshman year of high school) and dug up some of my favorites.  Some of them I revised a little, and some I left as is.  Not all of the sentiments still ring true, but it is an interesting experience for me to reread and share them.  It's a little like opening an old letter from someone you haven't talked to in ages.  I am still writing plenty and I'm sure that there will be more poems and essays about my current experiences here soon.  Buen provecho!


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