I know that this is late in coming, since I had my interview just over a week ago on Wednesday, March 19th. For the most part, it went exactly as I had expected. I am glad that they told me ahead of time that it would be a business formal interview. I brought in all of the paperwork that they had mailed to me for processing. The interview took about an hour, maybe a little more, I wasn't paying close attention to the time. All of the questions that they asked were alluded to in the application or paperwork, or they were pretty typical interview questions. Surprisingly, I think that many of the journals that I have been doing in my holistic health and healing class this semester helped me answer the questions since to write them I've had to look closely at myself. I also discovered that in order to work in a program in a Spanish speaking country one must have at least four units of college Spanish classes. For the University, that means I qualified after completing Spanish 1004. Fortunately, I finished through 3015.

After the interview we (my recruiter and I) completed my fingerprint charts. I didn't expect that I would need to be so precise in how I pushed my fingers onto the chart, but it was done soon enough. After we were done with that I also had to fill out a packet on my willingness to adjust my eating habits since I am a vegetarian. I think they also have a packet for people in relationships and one other packet I can't seem to remember. When I was done with that my recruiter explained to me that he would then nominate me for a program, which meant my file would be forwarded to Washington D.C. to compete with other nominees who had been nominated to the same program. He also explained that it usually takes a couple of days to a week for an applicant to be nominated by a recruiter, but my interview had gone so well that he was able to nominate my immediately, and I received my nomination information before I even left the office. It's nothing terribly specific. All I know is that I have been nominated for a business administration position in Latin America, and that I will most likely be leaving in February of 2009. This is all subject to change depending on the decisions made in Washington D.C. but they won't even look at my file until I have completed my physical, dental, and optical examinations and have submitted the paperwork to the national Peace Corps office.

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