I got my packet of information from the Peace Corps on Friday (the packet they told me to expect 10-14 days after submitting my application). It has sheets for fingerprinting, a background check form, a 'paperwork to submit' checklist, and a few sheets on things like the HPV vaccine and drug and alcohol use. On Monday I was able to get a hold of my recruiter to schedule an interview for a week from tomorrow. This whole process is actually going much faster than I had originally anticipated.

In the letter that was e-mailed to me after scheduling my interview they recommended completing an online activity (in my online toolkit) before my interview. However, the link has not yet shown up in my toolkit. (Having access to an online profile with all of my Peace Corps information has helped me pass the time between interactions, but it takes longer for that profile to be updated than it takes for me to receive paperwork via snail mail.) The letter was also helpful in describing dress expectations for the interview, sample questions, and future expectations (e.g. there is still a large amount of paperwork to be filled out after the interview, if the interview is successful).

From what the letter said, the online activity is supposed to be a good tool for preparation. It sounds like it may be useful beyond the interview for preparing for placement if I'm fortunate enough to be placed. On my application I listed September 1st as my first available leave by date. It will be interesting to see how long after that I am actually able to leave.

Something I learned after setting up my interview is that this will be the last step before I become a Peace Corps nominee. Becoming a nominee means that my information is forwarded to the Peace Corps office in Washington D.C. for further examination and, hopefully, assignment. I'm thinking that this will mean a long wait between the interview and the next time that I hear from the Peace Corps.

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